Automated. Fare. Collection.

Deliust combines the best operator experience with an obsessive focus on end-user performance. Our platform enables public transport operators and cities to do their best when it comes to mobility.

Deliust Dashboard UI

Best-in-class ticketing system

Deliust is years ahead of what's available in other systems, system characteristics:

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  • Embracing modularity, all components can be customized
  • Modern languages, high-end tools to cut the running costs
  • End-to-end encryption, no private networks required
  • High reliability, auto scaling according to the needs
  • Automated backend and public transport fleet updates
  • PSI-DSS compliant
  • Supports any currency
  • Enterprise-ready RBAC
  • Durable, supports offline mode
  • Unparalleled performance
  • Real time system metrics

Migrate from a legacy system

Sounds great but worried about migrating your existing customers within the legacy system?


We have been there. We can migrate any Mifare/NFC card based system by creating a migration utility. Migration process looks like:

  • Prepare migration utility's data mapping
  • Shutdown legacy system
  • Launch data migration
  • Start the new system